Tuesday, October 9, 2012

6 Ways To Dress Yourself Slim

As you move through your weight loss program you may start to notice your clothes don't fit you in quite the same way anymore. Perhaps you're pants are looser or your blouses are roomier.

Whether it's because you need a smaller size, or because your wardrobe is ready for a pick me up...take a look at some of these clever ways you can dress yourself slim.

Be Earthy

When you wear lighter colors, your flaws are more noticeable. In the middle of a weight loss program the trick is to celebrate our successes, not point out or problem areas, so, wear by darker clothes. However, be careful how much black you wear. The key is really to cut down on the light colors, which can also wash you out depending on your skin tone. Keep a stock of darker clothes, with earthy colors, but not ALL black.

Geometry Please

Never wear clothes with a fabric cut that exaggerates a problem area. Avoid horizontal stripes and designs. Horizontal lines make you appear wider than you actually are. If you like designs, go for the vertical stripes or no stripes at all.

Create a V

Try exposing more of your neck. When your neck appears longer, it has a slimming affect. Wear low cut blouses or shirts with v-necks to highlight your beautiful neck. Adorn your neck with an eye catching necklace to complete the look.

Go Low

I'm not a huge fan of low rise pants because I find them a bit too restrictive for my activities, but fashion gurus swear by low rise pants. Low rise jeans somehow magically elongate your torso, making you appear longer and less bulky. Most styles today are low rise so they should be easy to find at almost any retailer. If the low rise jeans leave some of your skin exposed, carefully select a blouse with a flattering cut of fabric, one that won't cling to any problem areas.

Style Shop

Hairstylist will swear to you that to appear smaller you should keep your hair out of your face. Now, you definitely have your own favorite style, so I won't advise for or against long hair, short hair, purple hair. One cool thing that some salons offer to their clientele is a sneak peek computer generated program. You can see a handful of different hair styles before committing to a new look. Find a salon that will let you test out some new hairstyles to compliment the new you.

Look Here

And lastly, wear accessories that will draw attention to areas you want people to notice. Been working on slimming your waist and you're feeling confident Then put on that snazzy belt and get them talking. If you're still working on yourself and don't want to draw a lot of attention to your body, wear breath taking hair accessories, earrings, or carry a remarkable bag or tote.

Be patient with yourself as you make these lifestyle changes. It takes courage and determination to stick with a weight loss plan. Celebrate your successes and look the part of a loser ' the good kind!

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